SECRET: Self-Consistent Pseudo Label Refinement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification

Tao He, Leqi Shen, Yuchen Guo, Guiguang Ding, Zhenhua Guo

[AAAI-22] Main Track
Abstract: Unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification aims at learning on an unlabeled target domain with only labeled data in source domain. Currently, the state-of-the-arts usually solve this problem by pseudo-label-based clustering and fine-tuning in target domain. However, the reason behind the noises of pseudo labels is not sufficiently explored, especially for the popular multi-branch models. We argue that the consistency between different feature spaces is the key to the pseudo labels’ quality. Then a \textbf{SE}lf-\textbf{C}onsistent pseudo label \textbf{R}efin\textbf{E}men\textbf{T} method, termed as SECRET, is proposed to improve consistency by mutually refining the pseudo labels generated from different feature spaces. The proposed SECRET gradually encourages the improvement of pseudo labels’ quality during training process, which further leads to better cross-domain Re-ID performance. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show the superiority of our method. Specifically, our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts by $\mathbf{6.3\%}$ in terms of mAP on the challenging dataset MSMT17. In the purely unsupervised setting, our method also surpasses existing works by a large margin. Code is available at \url{}.

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Sessions where this paper appears

  • Poster Session 3

    Fri, February 25 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM (+00:00)
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  • Poster Session 8

    Sun, February 27 12:45 AM - 2:30 AM (+00:00)
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