AAAI is hosted in Virtual Chair powered by
In this guide, you will learn how to navigate the AAAI’22 virtual venue.
Upon joining the virtual space, you will find yourself within a virtual park outside the entrances to two “buildings”: a red building on the left, and a blue building on the right.
Technical content of the event has been clustered so that talks and posters on a particular topic will tend to fall within the same building (and within the same zone within that building). That said, the clustering is not perfect and other scheduling constraints had to be considered, so you are encouraged to explore both buildings.
Each building has two entrances that connect to different sides of the building. You can access all content within the building regardless of which entrance you choose.

Inside each building: A different set of sponsors and exhibitors are housed in each of the buildings, so make sure to visit both buildings during the Job Fair or breaks in programmed activity. The plenary room entrance is in the middle of each building. You can attend plenary talks from the plenary room in either the Red Building or the Blue Building—the talks will stream to both rooms simultaneously. Within each building there are six groupings of posters (clustered by topic) and two session rooms next to these posters, which will be used for contributed talks, workshops and tutorials. TVs are located within each of the rooms, which you can use to browse content that has appeared in that room throughout the day. Toward On the East and West ends of each building, there are three additional rooms: a Media Room, Seminar Room, and Event Room.

The Media Room is where participants have the option to preview content in advance (in the form of flashtalk videos) or to view a session they may have missed. You can enter the same room from either the Red or the Blue building. Each TV in this room will have different content, so browse the directory available at a sign in that room to understand where a specific video can be viewed.

The Seminar Room is the location for a variety of programs or meetings during AAAI-22. You can enter the same room from either the Red or the Blue building. This is equipped with numbered tables which allow a facilitator at the microphone to lead discussion or guide participants to join a specific breakout group as desired.

The Event Room is the location for a variety of programs or meetings during AAAI-22. You can enter the same room from either the Red or the Blue building. This room will be used for certain live talks or panels, and some sessions held via an integrated Zoom link. Organizers will provide instruction for each session held here either via the microphones in the virtual venue OR in Zoom once you have entered the room.