A Calculus for Computing Structured Justifications for Election Outcomes
Arthur Boixel, Ulle Endriss, Ronald de Haan
[AAAI-22] Main Track
In the context of social choice theory, we develop a tableau-based calculus for reasoning about voting rules. This calculus can be used to obtain structured explanations for why a given set of axioms justifies a given election outcome for a given profile of voter preferences. We then show how to operationalise this calculus, using a combination of SAT solving and answer set programming, to arrive at a flexible framework for presenting human-readable justifications to users.
Introduction Video
Sessions where this paper appears
Poster Session 6
Sat, February 26 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM (+00:00)
Blue 6
Poster Session 10
Sun, February 27 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM (+00:00)
Blue 6