Training Robust Deep Models for Time-Series Domain: Novel Algorithms and Theoretical Analysis
Taha Belkhouja, Yan Yan, Janardhan Rao Doppa
[AAAI-22] Main Track
Despite the success of deep neural networks (DNNs) for real-world applications over time-series data such as mobile health, little is known about how to train robust DNNs for time-series domain due to its unique characteristics compared to images and text data. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing a novel algorithmic framework referred as RObust Training for Time-Series (ROTS) to create robust deep models for time-series classification tasks.
We formulate a min-max optimization problem over the model parameters by explicitly reasoning about the robustness criteria in terms of additive perturbations to time-series inputs measured by the global alignment kernel (GAK) based distance. This problem is an instance of the family of compositional min-max optimization problems, which are hard to solve. We propose a principled stochastic compositional alternating gradient descent ascent (SCAGDA) algorithm for this family of optimization problems. Unlike traditional methods for time-series that require approximate computation of distance measures, SCAGDA approximates the GAK based distance on-the-fly using a moving average approach. We theoretically analyze the convergence rate of SCAGDA and provide strong theoretical support for the estimation of GAK based distance. One advantage of our formulation is that we naturally obtain an instantiation of ROTS with dynamic time warping (DTW) based distance. Our experiments on real-world benchmarks demonstrate that ROTS creates more robust deep models when compared to adversarial training using prior methods that rely on data augmentation or new definitions of loss functions. We also demonstrate the importance of GAK and DTW for time-series data over the Euclidean distance.
We formulate a min-max optimization problem over the model parameters by explicitly reasoning about the robustness criteria in terms of additive perturbations to time-series inputs measured by the global alignment kernel (GAK) based distance. This problem is an instance of the family of compositional min-max optimization problems, which are hard to solve. We propose a principled stochastic compositional alternating gradient descent ascent (SCAGDA) algorithm for this family of optimization problems. Unlike traditional methods for time-series that require approximate computation of distance measures, SCAGDA approximates the GAK based distance on-the-fly using a moving average approach. We theoretically analyze the convergence rate of SCAGDA and provide strong theoretical support for the estimation of GAK based distance. One advantage of our formulation is that we naturally obtain an instantiation of ROTS with dynamic time warping (DTW) based distance. Our experiments on real-world benchmarks demonstrate that ROTS creates more robust deep models when compared to adversarial training using prior methods that rely on data augmentation or new definitions of loss functions. We also demonstrate the importance of GAK and DTW for time-series data over the Euclidean distance.
Introduction Video
Sessions where this paper appears
Poster Session 4
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Poster Session 11
Red 4