Accurate and Scalable Gaussian Processes for Fine-Grained Air Quality Inference

Zeel B Patel, Palak Purohit, Harsh Patel, Shivam Sahni, Nipun Batra

[AAAI-22] AI for Social Impact Track
Abstract: Air pollution is a global problem and severely impacts human health. Fine-grained air quality (AQ) monitoring is important in mitigating air pollution. However, existing AQ station deployments are sparse. Conventional interpolation techniques fail to learn the complex AQ phenomena. Physics-based models require domain knowledge and pollution source data for AQ modeling. In this work, we propose a Gaussian processes based approach for estimating AQ. The important features of our approach are: a) a non-stationary (NS) kernel to allow input depended smoothness of fit; b) a Hamming distance-based kernel for categorical features; and c) a locally periodic kernel to capture temporal periodicity. We leverage batch-wise training to scale our approach to a large amount of data. Our approach outperforms the conventional baselines and a state-of-the-art neural attention-based approach.

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Sessions where this paper appears

  • Poster Session 2

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  • Poster Session 5

    Red 6