AnomalyKiTS: Anomaly Detection Toolkit for Time Series

Dhaval Patel, Giridhar Ganapavarapu, Srideepika Jayaraman, Shuxin Lin, Anuradha Bhamidipaty, Jayant Kalagnanam

[AAAI-22] Demonstrations
Abstract: This demo paper presents a design and implementation of a system AnomalyKiTS for detecting anomalies from time series data for the purpose of offering a broad range of algorithms to the end user, with special focus on unsupervised/semi-supervised learning. Given an input time series, AnomalyKiTS provides four categories of model building capabilities followed by an enrichment module that helps to label anomaly. AnomalyKiTS also supports a wide range of execution engines to meet the diverse need of anomaly workloads such as Serveless for CPU intensive work, GPU for deep-learning model training, etc.

Sessions where this paper appears

  • Poster Session 3

    Fri, February 25 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM (+00:00)
    Blue 6
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  • Poster Session 7

    Sat, February 26 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM (+00:00)
    Blue 6
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